Well, thanks to all the efforts of Jane, the 50th anniversary reunion took place at the Leopold Hotel in Sheffield on 16 June 2018. It was a most enjoyable informal lunch, preceded by a champagne toast to absent friends and the staff of the hotel did us proud. Jane brought a collection of photographs from the 1960s but the one thing we neglected was to maintain the photographic record by having a group photograph of alumni as we did ten years before. I am putting up the three grotty photographs I took which have been supplemented by some extras from Angela. If any others who were there can supplement these, particularly whose faces are not well represented, I would be pleased to add them. We seem to have weathered the past ten years well enough not to be embarrassed.
Our menu
Ian - 1.
Ian - 2.
Ian - 3.
Angela - 1. Jane and Ian.
Angela - 2.
Angela - 3.
Angela - 4.
Angela - 5. Tony, Peter and Jane.
Angela - 6. Tony and Peter.
A unique opportunity
Our reunions have become so renowned that they have hit the commemorative ceramics market. Peter received this through the post (not having access to email). He wondered whether any of us had been approached on-line and whether we considered it a good deal.